October 29, 2005

The Neverhood – [games]

I saw The Curse of the Were-Rabbit last night, and afterwards we were talking about claymation. I was reminded of The Neverhood, a little known PC adventure game that came out in 1996, just before the Nintendo 64 hit US shelves.

So I dug out my copy of the game and tried to install it.

The Neverhood requires:
Pentium 75 mhz
8 Mg RAM (16 recommended) 
1 Mg VRAM 
SVGA monitor 
Quad speed CD ROM
8-bit sound card & speakers  (16-bit recommended) 
10 Mg available hard disk space for Installation
Mxcrosoft Wxndows 95.

Unfortunately I'm running 2000, and the installer insists on 95 (though I bet 98 would also work).

Posted by B Rickman at October 29, 2005 01:33 PM

do you still have the game? - i can help
post again -

Posted by: arv at April 17, 2006 10:49 PM
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