August 12, 2006

ISEA 2006 -- Jour quatre – [technology]

Things are winding up -- or winding down, depending on how you look at it. There is going to be a summary later this afternoon, and then I think a summary of the summary after that.

The wife and child and I are off, however, for the journey back home.

There were a lot of stray arrows in the past few days. The keynotes and a number of the panel discussions in the main hall have been dominated by cultural and political issues, almost excluding any mention of electronic art/media art practice at all. At this point I wish I had been here for the Interactive City Summit which took place on Sunday and Monday, it certainly looks like it was a lot more engaging.

Yesterday was the most satisfying day for me. I enjoyed Mare Tralla's presentation dealing with folk songs/representative songs, and the report on the Interactive City Summit. Unfortunately the panelists for that panel are not listed in the ISEA program.

In the afternoon there was a workshop to build your own FM transmitter, with kits conceived by Lotte Meijer.

As for the South Hall and other miscellaneous projects from the festival, I'll let those thoughts brew for a few days.

Posted by B Rickman at August 12, 2006 12:32 PM
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